Capability Statement Template

Capability Statement Template

A Capability Statement Template helps you outline your core competencies, differentiators, company details, and more. Think of it as your business’s ID card, but with a lot more information and flair.

Whether you’re in healthcare, technology, or manufacturing, a Capability Statement serves as a universal tool to establish credibility and showcase expertise. It’s not just a document; it’s a powerful marketing asset.

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Beautiful living documents, built like web pages.
Join 280,290 professionals using Xtensio.

A Capability Statement Template helps you outline your core competencies, differentiators, company details, and more. Think of it as your business’s ID card, but with a lot more information and flair.

Whether you’re in healthcare, technology, or manufacturing, a Capability Statement serves as a universal tool to establish credibility and showcase expertise. It’s not just a document; it’s a powerful marketing asset.

What is a Capability Statement?

A capability statement is a document that outlines your business’s skills, qualifications, and experiences. But why is it so important? Well, it’s often the first thing potential clients or partners see, and it can make or break their first impression of you.

The Anatomy of a Capability Statement

When it comes to crafting your capability statement, there are some core components you absolutely must include. These are your business details, the services or products you offer, your differentiators, past performance, and your team’s expertise.

Why Templates Matter

Xtensio’s templates aren’t just for making your document look pretty; they serve a functional purpose too. Xtensio’s well-designed templates ensure consistency across all your business documents, which is crucial for building a strong brand image.

Crafting the Perfect Introduction

The introduction of your capability statement serves as the handshake between you and your potential client. It should be warm, inviting, and most importantly, informative.

Detailing Your Services or Products

When detailing the services or products you offer, specificity is your best friend. The more specific you are, the easier it is for potential clients to understand what you can do for them.

Showcasing Your Differentiators

Your differentiators are what set you apart from your competitors. These could be anything from your unique approach to problem-solving, to a patented product that only you offer.

Highlighting Past Performance

Your past performance serves as proof of your capabilities. This is where you get to show off a bit, so don’t hold back! Include case studies, testimonials, or any other evidence that demonstrates your expertise.

Your Team’s Expertise

The people behind your business are just as important as the business itself. Highlight key team members, their qualifications, and what they bring to the table.

Financial Information

This is optional but including some financial information can go a long way in establishing trust. This could be as simple as mentioning your business’s financial stability or as detailed as including an income statement.

Compliance and Certifications

If your business holds any certifications or is compliant with industry standards, this is the section to mention it. It adds an extra layer of credibility to your capability statement.

Design and Layout

The design and layout of your capability statement shouldn’t be an afterthought. A well-designed document is easier to read and leaves a lasting impression. Xtensio’s template gives you a great starting point and you can still customize everything as you need.

The Role of Technology

Having a digital version of your capability statement is a must. Consider adding interactive features like clickable links or embedded videos to make it more engaging. you can share your folio in 9 different ways with Xtensio.

Tailoring for Different Audiences

Not all capability statements should be the same. Tailor yours depending on whether you’re targeting government contracts, the private sector, or something else entirely.

Xtensio makes it easy to duplicate your folio and personalize it depending on your audience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your capability statement, there are some pitfalls you should steer clear of. These include overcomplicating your document and being too vague in your descriptions.

Tips for Distribution

Once you’ve created your capability statement, the next step is to get it in front of the right people. Whether it’s through digital platforms or at networking events, we’ve got the tips to help you do just that: Xtensio helps you do the work once and get the most out of it. Your folio serves as a web page, a presentation, and a pdf in one. It is live, responsive, and interactive.

Measuring Effectiveness

How do you know if your capability statement is doing its job? By tracking certain KPIs, you can measure the effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. Xtensio gives you stats on how your shared folio is performing.


How do you write a capability statement?

To write an effective capability statement, focus on presenting your business’s core competencies, differentiators, past performance, and contact information. Start by introducing your company, outlining your services or products, and providing evidence of your expertise. Use a clean, professional layout and include visuals like your company logo.

How do I create a capability statement template?

Start with Xtensio’s free template. Creating a capability statement template involves setting up a structured document that can be easily customized for different opportunities. Use Xtensio to create sections for your company’s overview, core competencies, differentiators, past performance, and contact details. Save the template on your dashboard for future repeat use.

What are the components of a capability statement?

A capability statement typically includes the following components: Company Overview, Core Competencies, Differentiators, Past Performance, NAICS/SIC Codes, and Contact Information. Each section should be concise and focused on showcasing your business’s strengths and qualifications.

Why is a capability statement important?

A capability statement is crucial for establishing credibility and attracting potential clients or partners. It serves as a marketing tool that succinctly presents your business’s strengths, making it easier for stakeholders to understand what you offer and why they should work with you.

How long should a capability statement be?

A capability statement should be concise, typically ranging from one to two pages. The aim is to provide essential information without overwhelming the reader, making it easier for decision-makers to quickly assess your business’s suitability for a project or contract.
Xtensio’s template is pageless. So you can make it as short or as long as you’d like. It will always look good on any device when shared. with a click, you can adopt it for printing, too!

Can I include testimonials in my capability statement?

Yes, including testimonials from satisfied clients or partners can enhance your capability statement by providing social proof of your expertise and reliability. Make sure to place them strategically within the document, preferably near relevant information.

What format should a capability statement be in?

Capability statements are commonly presented in PDF format for easy sharing and printing. However, you may also create digital versions optimized for web viewing or even interactive capability statements with clickable links and embedded videos. Xtensio is perfect for both use cases. You’ll do the work once and you can share in multiple formats.

How do I distribute my capability statement?

Distribute your capability statement through various channels such as email, your company website, and social media platforms. You can also hand out printed copies at networking events, trade shows, or meetings with potential clients and partners. With Xtensio, you can embed it on your website or present it in full screen as well.

Should I update my capability statement regularly?

Yes, it’s advisable to update your capability statement regularly to reflect any changes in your services, expertise, or achievements. Keeping it current ensures that you’re presenting the most accurate and compelling information to stakeholders.


Creating an effective capability statement is no small feat, but with the right approach and this template, it’s more than doable. Remember, your capability statement is often the first impression potential clients have of your business, so make it count.

Capability Statement Template

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