Court Reporting Services FAQs

What proceedings are available for recording requests?

How can I determine if a proceeding was digitally recorded?

How do I order an audio file of a proceeding?

Do I need special software to play an audio file of a proceeding?

Is there a cost for an audio file?

How long will it take for me to receive my audio file?

Can an audio file be sent to me by mail?

Can I order an audio file of just part of my proceedings?

Are there any special instructions for ordering an audio file of a juvenile delinquency proceeding?

Are there any special instructions for ordering an audio file of a Dependency/Shelter/Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proceeding?

Can I order an audio file of the electronic recording if I am not the litigant or a party to the case?

How can I pay for my request?

If I have a question about a digital recording, who can I contact?