Miminum manufacturer age recommended meaning

Our listing is a children’s toy and shows “36.00” for Manufacturer’s Minimum Age. There is no mention that this value is measured in months. This attribute on the PDP is confusing for the customer as it does not call out whether this number months or years.

We have provided the following values for these attributes by flat file upload:

Minimum Manufacturer Age Recommended: 3
Minimum Manufacturer Age Recommended Unit Of Measure: years
Maximum Manufacturer Age Recommended: 12
Maximum Manufacturer Age Recommended Unit Of Measure: years

In Manage Inventory>Edit, these values are forced into months showing 36 - 144 months for our product.

Yet on the PDP, Product Details shows minimum as just “36.00”. If you scroll down, the Product Information shows “36 months - 12 years”.

I am not asking for help making a change to my product’s attribute values, rather I am asking for the way Amazon displays “Manufacturer’s Minimum Age” to include the measurement used (months or years) to avoid confusion and poor customer experience. I have opened a case to give this feedback, but seller support does not actually read my message and thinks I am trying to fix incorrect information.

Is there a proper path for giving Amazon feedback on how correct information displays on the PDP in general?